

New York City and State have spent decades investing in our central business districts as well as in the outer boroughs to create jobs and opportunities throughout the city.  In 2024, we’re advocating for a three-planked platform built around improving transparency, combating retail theft and modernizing NYC’s outdated zoning regulations.

New York City’s economic and job growth currently lags behind the rest of the country. To create the jobs and economic success our city needs to thrive, we must provide businesses across all five boroughs with the tools to survive and grow. By improving information and transparency on the resources available to small business owners, combating rampant retail theft, and advancing the common sense City of Yes for Economic Opportunity, we can create a dynamic environment for businesses and retailers that sustains local neighborhoods in every borough.

The Five Borough Jobs Campaign is made up of local economic development corporations, business improvement districts and businesses across the City. Over the coming months, we will be making sure our elected officials and neighbors understand the profound economic impact of these priorities and why they're vital to our city's continued growth.